One morning, earth trigged.
We felt it was earthquake.
But it was;
The sound of guns and human’s screaming.
Roaming to our whole area.
We could not go outside,
Parents were also scared.
My little sister and brother needed milk.
But no one was there for our help.
It was 6th day of this war,
Our cell phones were also not working.
Yesterday , angel had knocked the doors.
And Gave us some food.
We did not know what’s happening outside our home.
I miss my school but I can’t go.
Parents said! Don’t worry we are with you.
But I know they were worried too.
Every month, I saw many dead bodies.
I can’t play in my street.
Parents said any one could hit me.
I was scared! Why war is so- long.
I saw on TV, in Karachi (where I lived too)
Everyone was cheering , everyone was contented.
Is lyari no longer the part of PAKISTAN? .
Now we will be separate like Bangladesh.
I was very scared! However shell I meet my relatives.
Who are living in other parts of Pakistan?
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