In every blog on every site you must have seen something write about Maya khan. Every writer tries to highlight different points about her character. For those readers who still unaware from the maya’s issue I am only giving them a short brief. She was hosting morning show in a private news channels named ‘’Sama’’. One day with her team she became a inspector, go to parks in Karachi for finding younger dates and asking their Naka nama. But afterwards many people showed anger on her deed and she also apologized on her own channel by saying’’ if I did wrong or hurt someone so I am sorry because you all know my intention is never to hurt anyone’’.
This is another story of media personnel, who thinks playing with the emotions of audience is their responsibility. Anyways everyone only pointed out what she did. Not a single person pointed out the standard of the channel on which she is hosting a morning show. Have we noticed this channel fulfilling the requirements of the good or a simple average channel. Why don’t we blame the whole channel? CEO of the channel? Before going to the detail guys here I want to share you my personal experience . I have not watch Samaa tv not because of maya khan. There is another story that quietly resembles with what maya did. One day at noon , I was watching samaa news with my elder sister, newscaster was talking about the parks; parks are good places for younger people dating. Here is small documentary that are resource person made for you. In the documentary they showed many couples are dating and resource person said ‘’this is good and refreshing place for younger people (for dating). Their love became mad old people who are alone ‘’. Also showed old man who was touching his body and taking out his shirt (resource person ends on this scene and giving comments on his masturbation activity).
So see guys the former standards of the channel. We don’t blame poor maya khan only. Because she was broadcasting those that her channels not feels anything that is going to disobeying the policies of TV or social norms. Still her viewership has not gone down like Amir liquat. I don’t want to talk about her character. Poke into other’s affairs without even knowing other considers bad norms. You are just entertaining masses if you want to aware them you did via calling different people on your show. But nobody gives you a right of violating social norms, harassing poor people and broadcasting their personal issues on media on-air. If anyone of them belongs to rich family they definitely fine you. But dear maya you are lucky. No one did this.
And you also see guys after her beautiful show she got fired and also people uploaded many pictures of maya in which she is wearing western dresses (short dresses with half naked legs). Also uploaded her dances with men on songs without duptta. What did you gain Maya you showed other’s wrong deeds and people have showen your wrong deeds as-well. I’m sure Maya you have got enough popularity after this show and after uploading her inappropriate pictures and videos on internet.
So guys I just want to say that Maya is just a host like other hosts who just want to sell their show through any means. In their eyes there is no personal thing . They only bother about the rating of the show. Firstly channels should strictly follow the desire rules that are made by PEMRA (PAKISTAN ELECTRONIC MEDIA Regularity Authority) for every channel. Secondly if the channel doesn’t fulfilling the standard then the license should be terminated. As mentioned in PEMRA rules and standards for channels;
The Landing Rights holder shall ensure that the Authorized Channel complies with the requirements of the Ordinance, Rules and Regulations, and in particular, that ; 1) Nothing is included in the authorized channel which is pornographic or obscene or is likely to encourage or incite crime or to lead to public disorder or to be offensive to public feeling.
In last, people, viewers are another important cause of these incidents. We impressed with anyone easily without seeing their work. Our sweetness towards incapable person gives them hype of popularity. So they gain benefit of this ‘’hype of popularity’’ and do anything either you like it or not. Maya khan is not first who get benefit from the popularity . Zaid Hamad (extremist) so- called Dr. Amir Laiquat also another example of it. So always keep in mind, every shining thing is not gold. These channels have no standards have you ever saw that sort of incidents in PTV Pakistan ka television, in their morning shows noooo way. Because they know what to present or what not.
Pakistan is providing 24 or more hr entertainment for their viewers. And media suffered ‘’news lust syndrome’’. That’s why every passing minute media want to broadcast new news related to every sphere of life. So in this situation, appearance of these cases is not a big deal. Now a day’s channels just concentrate on their ranking and want to sell their shows like hot cakes.