Public is a weapon for media to success. Every month we witnessed different stories of media personnel like khan sisters (maya &nadia) amir laquait etc. Every new month media personnel trying to generate a new propaganda for grabbing the interest of public. In other words playing with our emotions is media’s famous strategy. Firstly they hypnotize public through cunning tactics after that they tagged all this to public.
Oh wowww nadia khan is back she was a very famous morning show host. Oh yes why do you like her? Because her stories are full of spices…. She target people very cunningly. You know what cunning nature is an added benefit for media personnel TORs. All media personnel are trying to making us fool. They broadcast lavish and pornographic material by saying; it’s a public demand. Stop, no one is asking public what do you want to see? Aik din Geo ke sath host said we start our show from actresses’ bedroom because it’s public demand. At sharp 9.05 am morning shows come on-air. Channels broadcast different varieties of shows. But one thing is common in all these they all wear expensive designer dress with lavish stages. Designer wear, lavish set items inject a complex of being poor.
None is pious in this field, everyone is just running towards fame. Morning shows who trying to pretend our well-wishers; but in other words they amplify the simple situation. They tie n knot poor couples with high show –off that caused inferiority complex among other poor masses. TV channels have a war of rating, in war and love everything is allow.

Media personnel assumed people are ass. They indulge people’s precious thoughts in vulgar , distressing activities. Zodiac, black magic or supernatural activities, evil eye, discussion(mother n law, daughter n law), lawn prints or brand, marriages etc are every time hot topics especially for morning shows. They invite different religious persons for discussing magic’s etc rather to discuss good deeds. Indirectly their aim is to create disturbance among the educated and illiterate masses . Out of 100 to 20 % is about the serious social issues which increased their popularity graph.
None of the media personnel neither have a genuine feeling for masses. They came media because they learn politics, journalism. All are chips of the same block. They every time screaming, waning about the ethics of politics which actually they don’t know what is ethics stand for? Like the angry, shouting ladies Jasmeen Manzoor (working on sama tv) Mehar bhaukari or Mehar kashif (working on dunya tv). They posses high sound quality .Mubassir luqman or Kamran shaid all are same. All want the same output like morning shows to increase their ratings by hook or crook.

Entertainment entertainment! Channels catering different moods. Actually Pakistan is a hub of entertainment lol how? We provide you nonstop 24 hr entertainment so what else you want. Should think what media is providing you? Dramas full of depression or fairy tale stories (utopian world). Domestic or feminist issues is the focal point of every drama. Either is was Humsafar , mere behan mere dawrani , shadi Mubarak , jhaeez (Do very) etc. Indirectly trying to confess joint family system or life after marriage. For relaxing and for kids there is no entertainment. Ank wala jin ( fairy tale story) and true stories which were entertain our little audience. Alas, every channel is failed to provide entertainment to Pakistani people.
Economic recession, holy of blood in many cities of Pakistan , unemployment etc has suffered public in to anxiety or other psychological issues. The so –called media personnel who take the slogans of truth , ethics, well wishers are true hypo crates . They exaggerate serious issues. Like earth quake or bomb blast . They showed scattered bodies of our lover’s in media or trying to create fuss among masses about the political issues. Entertainment personnel is not less than that, they over emphasize vulgar issues for marketing . Veena mailk or big boss was a hotline of the entertainment group. Although this show was being telecasted by Pakistani channel named Ary too. Many of their drama’s on the same time portraying the picture of vulgarity like Parsa (famous drama of hum tv) . Fashion shows on which nudity is very common, both genders showing their naked bodies. But no one dare to talk on these because they all are so- called business tycoons of Pakistan.
Moreover, ads who are no more saver from nudity or elite life style. Promoting elite life style other than product like mosquito killer product, woman products, food items etc. only few drama’s who literally work for entertainment like Bulbulay , or many drama’s in the production of nabeel and samina perzada. Cooking channels although teaching cooking but also same time influencing distress in society; like

Pakistani society where people hardly meets both end. Health TV channel made for teaching masses about the health. This is brain storm effort of some media personnel.
In nutshell, the point I am making here is all media personnel is corrupt less or more. They are just doing their jobs they are no concerns for our entertainment and tastes. Today’s media is a major source for spreading viral infection depression among masses. Still, Pakistan ka channel PTV is the best and still catering all masses including little audience. SIM SIM Humra is a famous show especially for kids. Many people have hatred as such extreme that they just want to ban all channels of vulgarity. On the other hand, media personnel defending their argument ban of the channels will unemployed many people. But the solution of all above; it’s time to be more vigilant and should boycott those channels with morning shows who creating disturbance among masses. In end, we are Pakistani and we are suffering through worst condition. Being a Muslim there is no space for those media personnel who exaggerate simple news, highlight bad ones and make them a national news . High lightening bad news also a bad act. Moreover for those people who back bit and sell their show via showcasing people bad act’s like evening Urdu paper. Unfortunately, our anchors, either from entertainment or news section acting same role. In our country ,there is a need of campaigning media sensitization about social issues. What’s the responsibility of media? How media should act in bad condition? This is further draw a line between entertainment and what is abused entertainment.