I was invited to my friend’s house for Milad-e- Nabvi (for the celebration of birthday anniversary of the Muhamad Sali Wale Waslam(P.B.U.H). I attended only few Milads. like mostly women. School, college and in any neighbor’s house. I thought I am a bad Muslim so I cherished the visit of all Milad and regarded all women who came for this event. People used to call special persons for dua. But recent visit disappointed me. I reached my friend’s house and recited one part of Quran . My friend’s mother was very angry because she called a woman for dua and for reciting Naat. I was shocked why she called special woman for Naat. It’s a very sad thing that girls don’t recite Naat on their own. But in Mehndi and other functions each and every member of the family sings. And feel very happy of singing a song. Obviously they feel happy because they are individually taking a part in the event. So why not the Milad-e- Nabvi ?
My friend’s mother and her sister were continuously showing anger on the woman’s late arrival. Why are not people punctual? Moreover my friend’s aunt was appreciating her Naat woman . After three hours when the woman came and recited Naat with bad throat.
Anyhow Milad-e-Nabvi was going. She was reciting Naat with bad throat. She was having a bad cough. When she was coughing my friend’s cousin starting reciting Naat. So that the Naat session get over. Now she takes out her hands for Naat. The starting of Duaa was very impressive and no doubt was good. But in the mid of the Duaa she said Mumtaz Qadri ki rahai ko Allah mumkin farmeye amen (Allah may possible the bail of Mumtaz Qadri amen ) Mumtaz Qadri was a murderer who assassinated ex-Governor of Punjab Salman Taseer. Mumtaz Qadri who solely decided to announce death sentence to Late Salman taseer. He is in jail and still his case is undecided. Because of the allies of Mumtaz Qadri . Aftershock of his jail, Shahbaz Taseer (son of Sulman Taseer ) was kidnapped and still not released.
After that she prayed as this way; Ae Allah jo Suni Maliad krawte hain wo qabool farma amen. (Allah please accept those Maliad which are held only by Sunis amen). One of my friends who is Sheia also invited. She feit bad. I also feel bad about what’s the purpose of including those words in Duaa which are hurting or making some one angry.
I am very disappointed on the thoughts and the way of holding a respectable function. The true purpose of Maliad –e-Nabvi is; reciting Naat and talks about the Muhammad Sali walhi waslim (P.B.U.H) Seerat (good deeds). Nor to discuss and hurt any sects. First of all if we are educated then why there is a need to call a special person for Duaa. We are not a Muslim? We can’t recite Naat for our Prophet? Other functions are superior than Milad-e-Nabvi? Why do we only focus on our dressing and make-up in Milad? If we don’t like other sects’ people so why should we call them in our functions? It is necessary to talk about the murders in a beautiful function?
It is necessary to invite special persons for Duaa? Unfortunately we have little knowledge about Islam. Or moreover we don’t feel a need to gain knowledge about our own religion. Many Muslims read, listen stories about Sahaba karam and the history of Islam in their childhood. But as time passes, all things are blurring in their minds. And they don’t need to recall anything.
In the nutshell, the point I am making here is the religious function should be pure religious. Allah first emphasis on the gaining of knowledge. Its importance also depict in the first Wahie of Prophet (Sali Ale walhi Waslam). Rather relying on the so-called Mullahs it is better to read some authentic books on our own. How can we decide who is better? Sheia or Suni? Like Prophet (Sali Ale Walhi Waslam) said;
‘Oh people, no one is higher than other unless he is higher in the obedience to God. No Arab is superior to non- Arab except in piety’’.
O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.(Al-Hujurât 13)
In the last, Duaa is only to sum –up all our actions either in namaz or Milad. Duaa should be only for the sake of begging. Please Milad is beautiful function do not destroy its purpose. Do not pass any abusive comment to anybody especially in these functions.
Surah Aal-e-Imran : Ayah 119
"Surely Allah knows what is in the hearts."