
Thursday, 21 May 2015

Credibility of News!

Credibility of news are lost somewhere. Nobody bothers, what impact it leaves on the audience and not even the audience bother, to search it by themselves. Causal news, get hype and serious issues become scandal.  This is, what is been going on with Axact: IT Company issue, which is suspicious of selling fake degrees in world through black-mailing.  Ironically, world famous newspaper, named, “New York Times”, disclosed, Axact business. According to NYT, they properly investigated this news, after recruiting one of their employee in Axact. Hence, they got access to all important documents and made a detailed report.  Based on this, Interior minister Nisar Ali Khan, has ordered to investigate this case.
News become gossip in no time. Rarely in Pakistan get the credibility of news ever questioned. If ever so, the reply would be, “I read it from a foreign news channel”.  Life of media is also full of ambiguities; they make their own fantasy world. They illustrate what they want to depict.  
Local actors, who step in Bollywood, are automatically declared nation pride, and who throw event internationally considered proud moment. Actors become a think tank, people started quoting their tweets. Political leaders, have started running universities, after their name.  Historical leaders, became replaced with political leaders, in syllabus. People getting things without efforts. People are clearly losing their originality.  
You hardly read and hear about cyber -crime, until and unless somebody hacks your account. We only heard about PEMRA, who take action when something seriously blows out. Credibility of institutions, are no longer available. Hereby, each and every one make their right to, publish and telecast, handy information. We do note the audit of nonprofit organization but we hardly witness the audit of channels. Surely, some audit is required for issuing license.   But afterwards, no one bothers to audit.  No yearly audit has taken place of channels and newspapers.  All of sudden, how are you seeing hundreds of channels on your TV?  What business they were doing in past.
The point to note here is how we could rely on any international report without proper authentication. Why there is no international law for publicly disclosing other country news, without permission. Journalism is profession, who owed to provide information and knowledge. I am shocked, how journalism has changed to FIR

 No doubt, in globalization era, media has played greater role in shaping public opinion and making political decision. But in a nutshell, a lot of unpacking is required on the Axact story. Until then, we need to hold our horses, and need to break the chain of tweeting, posting unauthentic news for fun. May be, we are becoming a non-credible nation. We need to raise credibility of news and question ourselves that how we are declaring artists and political leaders as our historical heroes.