Fariha Altaf;
Ex model ,actress, producer , choreographer ,event manger. And CEO of catwalk production that she formed in 1989.She is mostly surrounded by models on ramp. She is ranked top on the worst style icon of Pakistan . Because of her poor esthetic sense of dressing. She is always seen in wired dresses which give the impact of untidy and mess. Here are few photos of her which depicts how she is poor in dressing.

2;Sahir Lodhi ;
A famous anchor and VJ on TV and radio. He has long list of followers whom follow him because of his poetic way of talking. Despite his hosting, unfortunately, he is ranked on the worst stylish icons of Pakistan. every look of his dressing proves a depressing and disaster. One of his show, he wear sweater in the month of October and moreover the show was being telecasted from Karachi. Unfortunately, he is trying to be stylish man but his style ranked him worst stylish man of Pakistan.

3; Altaf Hussian;
A politician who is trying to garbe the nation via his poetic &singing talking. He always want to be stylish . In one of his interview, he disclosed the secret that he was the winner of top stylish man of London and he defeated Akshae (Indian actor) in this contest. He used to wear trouser with polo shirts and with old frame glasses. He is also seen in the formal suits. But unluckily his effort doesn’t fulfill and he is failed to be stylish.

4; Annie Khaild;
A singer, rock star. She is pretty chic. She is also known as Britney Spyre of Pakistan . She used to wear western clothes in her concerts. But her appearance always fails to impress the audience.

5; Fahad Mustafa;
A model, actor, and hosting Hum TV morning show . He is handsome man with good looks. But unfortunately his dress sense includes him worst stylish icon of Pakistan. He is including in those man who always working on their looks. He is a hard worker . But his shirts which remain opened half. His disaster shirts in the morning show where lots of persons especially women are sitting with him remains the same. Here is advice for you Fahad if you want to be stylish then please do concentrate on your shirts.

6; Rehman Malik.
Is working as current interior minister of Pakistan. He always has a desire of want different and prominent with his dresses . He has a huge variety of ties and handkerchiefs that he wears with almost same color of suits. We can say that he is being stylish if he stop wear old-dated ties with matching handkerchiefs. The pattern of his ties is complex.

7; Hina Rabani Kar;
A foreigner minister of Pakistan. She is a very pretty young lady. She is very fond of brand she wear branded clothes plus black Hermes Birkin bag. Although she wears branded clothes and bags with highly expensive prices. But unfortunately I ranked her in the worst stylish person of Pakistan . There are so many reasons; the stylish persons must have style and looks different on every occasion. But unluckily she wears same type of clothes with different colors and same silk duptta. Moreover, her clothes are not fully iron. She doesn’t even know how to wear duptta. If she wants to be stylish she must need the classes of fashion from one her colleague Sherry Rehman.

8; Mehar Bukahri.
Famous news anchor currently working with Dunya news. She is a pretty woman and gorgeous looks. But her dressing sense is worst ever. Not in her shows but also in any event she wears wired clothes. She recently did new hair cut which makes her looks more beautiful. But she needs to concentrate on her dressing.

9; Chef Gulzar;
A famous chef currently working in Masla TV. He is famous not only for his cooking but also for his dancing and hair styling. He used to be stylish . But unfortunately , his dressing and his style is a big disaster . His half opened shirts with neck accessories and moreover bad taste of suits.

10; Amna Haq
A model, actress and wife of top designer Ammar Belal. Amna is always named in the top pretty women of Pakistan. But unlucky , from last so many years her looks her appearance and especially her dressing considered a worst or disaster for fashion industry. Her way of tying hair tightly ,wearing loose shirts and trousers. Her style is look like a happy causal day of Sunday. On which mostly people enjoys to be clumsy look. She said in one of the show; ‘’I want to be causal at every time’’. Despite her causal look, stylish she becomes more stylish than any other like in lux Awards ceremony 2011 and PFW 2012.