On April 7, 2012 avalanche hit the Pakistani army base near the disputed area Siachen glacier (Gyari).138 soldiers were victim of this human made disaster. Many ecologists, metro -logiest said that this incident has happened because of global warming and both countries (Pakistan and India) are responsible for this. According to metro logiest and army soldiers it was not the weather (spring) of avalanche. It was beyond our expectations. And it is the biggest disaster in Siachen base . From the incident to till now, unfortunately the situations becoming bad to worse. Every new second, new sheet of ice covered the glacier. And the digging area has filled with ice sheet. The situation is going pathetic. But solute to our brave soldiers who never lose heart and putting their best effort.
Soldiers having credible abilities who don`t know what is rest. Moreover, buried soldiers are their colleagues. They know how is the feeling of the son and daughter, when they heard their father is `` buried alive in snow. How is the feeling of the mother and father about their son, siblings for their brother and wife for their husband? How they sleep with the feeling of discomfort either they can ever seen their loved ones or not. This feeling made the soldiers active in the brutal temperature of the winter , where we can`t imagine to live. Soldiers know the value of life better than other.
Yesterday I received the message, that compels me to write this article.
A poem by a soldier,
(Dedicated to all martyrs of Siachen)
If I die in a warzone, box me up and send me home.
Put my medals on my chest.
Tell my mom I did my best.
Tell my dad not to bow.
He won’t get tension from me now, tell my brother to study perfectly; keys of my bike will be his permanently,
Tell my sis not to be upset,
Her brother will not rise after this sunset ,
Tell my love not to cry…..because I am a solider born to die!
This message is so frequently forward to every number and soldier’s family must received this message too. Who gives people the right of hurting the emotions of distressed people? Who is already suffering through a big trauma of their life. Why we always think our thoughts are great and we can never hurt anybody? Why we tagged soldiers ; only born for die? Why we always have thirst of blood? Either it`s came from slum sectors of Karachi people, Peshawar and Baluchistan , Gilgat and other northern areas or any other city natives blood. Why we want to convey this message to India and other`s to look our country where daily many people have died and still we need more blood . But now the blood must came from soldiers. Why we all are insane? Why we are always ready for calling a martyred person. Either we are died in bomb blast or any accident (road or any disaster). Why we don’t wish to fulfill the true meaning of martyred through defending their country’s sovereignty (fought against non-Muslim).
Sorry but now I don’t need any blood I want my soldiers to be alive why I declare buried alive soldiers to be dead. I have a hope and want this hope in the eyes of every person of my country. Soldiers are not solely born for die; they can defend country as a doctor, engineer, technological personnel etc too. Why I tell my coming soldiers you are joining Pakistan forces and one day you must die. The point I am trying to make here is to declare anybody dead without any evidence is shameful act. And tag soldiers born for die is humiliating act. Kindly stop boosting fear among new generation about forces. People are paranoid at this extreme they make videos of this concept too. One of the video I had seen is about the story of the soldier who belongs to poor family moreover he was recently married and after one month he was died in a war. Pakistani masses brain nourishing about forces is very wrong. Many young soldiers must have a fear before joining forces, I don’t want to die because I am young. I also want to serve my country so what will I do?
In nutshell, life of soldiers is not as cheap as we think. They join army for the security of their country but if the county’s soldiers are rapidly dying so it’s time to take action against this. Hope is always better. When many people can survive from the disaster of earthquake so why shouldn't from this avalanche. When our soldiers who are constantly trying to save the lives of other soldiers so why we are assuming they are dead. This is a time to stand with army please not discourage their wills and support them through messages through media. I saw tears of many people who’s loved ones lost the battle of life. Now I am no more stronger to see tears of hundreds of people. This is human made disaster not a natural disaster. Earlier I told global warming is root cause of this (india and Pakistan )both are responsible . Why only Pakistani soldiers became victim ? Mind it; our soldier’s life is not cheap that we easily lost them. Already thousands hunted of NATO war and in Northern areas. Now it's time to stop this bloodshed. In last, a nation who stand up together in difficult times never be let down by any one. This is best time to tell we love our soldiers they are not born solely for dying.
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