Guys we barely hear and read driving harassment. Driving alone is considered to be safer than walking alone. But picture is totally opposite to it. People have gone more impertinent or vulgar while driving. Honking horns, driving aggressively, drive too close to other’s. Passing comments while driving close to vehicle or on the signals. This is rough and highly used types of driving harassment. This is commonly seen in every city of Pakistan. But still not considered a crime.
People usually harass for the sake of fun. This is mostly done by young boys or gang of boys. But middle age men are also not excluded from this. They manly target young girls and women . Snubbing opposite gender is their favorite act. Constantly honking horns just to confuse and seeing them. They have more focus on women’s drivers rather than own. How she looks like? How she drives? How they get seat belt? Men always thinks the revolution of how women came on the driving seat?
All men are not same. But many have owed harassing characteristics. I always thought, women are more secure while driving. But alas! In Pakistan now women drivers are no more secure. And how can I expect this from the insane people who throw acid to strange walking women. I live in the capital city of Pakistan, who also named most civilized city. But here men are also show high level of corrupt behavior.
This harassment is also done by senior citizen. Calling names is one of most used weapon of harassing others. Men used to stare women while driving. If any car driven slowly or commit wrong by women, then all men accused women . This is another cheapest form of harassing women. Pakistan ranked 3rd most dangerous country for women in the world.
Men are ranked in those human who always searched on women development. How they came to world ,how they work, she is tiny creature so how she could drive? Lot of risk factor must be in her driving. She must hit the car anywhere. Throwing flash lights in night on side mirror without any purpose is another way of Road harassment. Since the human is made ; To know other’s life and to interfere other’s matter is always their favorite act . Especially knowing about the opposite gender. Men have more curiosity to know opposite gender. But sometimes, this curiosity caused of many accidents. Sexual harassment is commonly used by men for torching women. And as the driving harassment concern it should be done by illiterate or highly educated men. They never think how this act should be dangerous for other while driving. It caused of severe road accident or anxiety. That further let down her habit of driving . Women who drive more carefully but she faced different types of harassing signals every day..
Everything is included in the book for getting driving license ;how to dive, how to obey traffic rules. If you disobey traffic rules you would be fined specific amount of rupees. But surprisingly there is no ethical rule mention in license book related to harassing other driver’s.
This is not solely the matter of harassing opposite sex this is matter of showing your hatred towards other human. Showing disgrace is a deviant behavior . But no one want to raise voice against this insane act . Giving space to ambulances or driver’s is ethical good. But to always honking horns without any reason showed bad driving. Calling names to senior citizen and women should be ill mannered act.
In nut shell, whole purpose is to pointing attention towards driving harassment which is used for women. Like men women also have right of drive any vehicle . there is no law that restrict women for driving. Driving is necessity like to eat food. Driving is used for reaching desirable place. Traffic rules are made for everyone no one is excluded from it. For coping this situation ‘’showing respect while driving’’ should be first chapter in license book. Billboards should be hanged how to respect other drivers on roads.
•Don’t stare other driver’s.
•Don’t give honking horns.
•Don’t drive too closely to other vehicle.
•Don not throws lights in night on other car’s mirror.
•Don not pass comment or calling with names. Etc
•If anyone is seen disobeying the rules his/her license should be terminated for 6 Months.
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