Pakistan and India cricket match is big and excited day. Our prime minister use to order, like a king of monarchy, on every match of Pakistan and India, there should be no load shedding. If Pakistan won then there will be holiday plus load shedding free day. What does it mean? This is simply means country running by king who is very cruel. But whenever there is any big event like Eid, Big match (match with opponent country) then they show mercy on the poor people. And on these big days our majesty become generous. Shows generosity through cutting off the half or less prisoner`s punishments, order to make load shedding free day, moreover with no strike of gas or petrol.
In this king`s empire , people is only have a freedom to say whatever they want. Like other king`s monarchy hoarding is also common. And you people witnessed this few times like sugar hoarding. This regime is true example of idle and greedy king. Who himself do nothing, except few events debates. Under king`s monarchy lots of ministers and one prime minister is working. If he want to order something he only convey it though prime minister . Our running government and minister is portraying the picture of king`s regime.
Like sluggish king`s who only care about their luxuries and rest. Idle master must have idle servants. king obviously have idle or lazy team. Who build marvelous building and palace, people recalled them from this, when they left. Current ministers’ assets is truly depict this picture. Coming back to the point that I am talking , prime minister statement. To provide food, clean water, shelter, employment, better health facilities ,old age security is basic facilities that the government is strict to provide masses. And the duty of masses is should obey all rules and duties that are made for running the country. One of the main duty is paying tax. S o if we are regularly paying our tax what does it mean? We will provide you electricity and gas ,petrol on specific days. Are we beggars’ or you are giving us loan? People elect you, to provide basic necessities of life to them .
Without going to massive detail of this what should government doing or not. I just want to say please , sir electricity is our need and we pay you for this. We are not begging you anything. So at least be respectable to your people. You are like a ``father `` to them , if they are in trouble they looking for your sweet voice . Nor your sympathies . Also we are not poor and miserable people. We are human and have respect like you. Please if you failed to give us basic necessities at least be polite and humble towards us.
In last I have only one person who care about their people as much , that when mid night starts he visited the areas . For observing anyone is needy. One day, he visited the Madina with his servant. He came across a house in which children weeping. His servant informed him that a woman was there with spponing the kettle having stones and water in it. She has no food for their children. He instantly went Baitul Mal took all necessities in a bag on his back. Servant said gives this bag to me. He replied ,you also take my burden of sins on the day of judgment. This is the story of true loyal leader ,Calipha Hazrat Umer Bin Kattab (RA). Because he knows he will be accountable on the day of judgment each and everything under this rule.
This is extreme humble and responsible attitude of ruler towards their people.
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