Pakistan is state which came into being 64 years ago after a long struggle. Since freedom to present era, Pakistani nation struggled for proving themselves a hardworking nation. And to some extent they are succeeding, to removing the stigma of terrorism and failed state. The recent example of this struggle is seen in Oscar awards ceremony by Sharmeen Obiad Chioney. Another good example is set by few people of Pakistan in the cyber drill activity that was held by Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team (APCERT). Pakistan first time attended this cyber drill event that was held on 14th February 2012. Ume Ghazia, Rahat Masood, Talha Habib, and Hassan Ijaz, Shoaib Saleem were representing Pakistan and proved that Pakistan is not lacking back in field of technology. I recently interviewed Ume Ghazia; one of the participant. Here is her interview who tells us in detail what was the event and how they participated in it and what was the purpose of this activity.
Q; How are you?
Ume Ghazia ; I’m fine.
Q: kindly tell me first of all about your educational background?
Ume Ghazia: I have done matric from F.G sir syed school mall road in 2004.Fsc in pre engineering from post graduate college for women Kashmir road in short CB college(2006) and: bachelor’s in computer engineering from University of Engineering and Technology Taxila (UET) in 2010 .
Q: • Why did you select computer n communication security? What is the purpose of computer security and how it works?
Ume Ghazia: In last year of bachelors. I have studied one course of network security; it is just a brief course. I don’t know much about it; it seems interesting to me and different. So I decided to select this field for MS.
Q: well I understand what is meant by computer security but wt’s communication in this field ...
Ume Ghazia: After much interaction now I realize that in Pakistan there is a need of security awareness so that it comes along with other countries in technology. Computer security is a broad domain in which security measures are provided to computer system each n every process of it. To protect confidential data from unauthorized users.
Q: So you mean to say you spread awareness among masses about computer security? Along with computer security measures right?
Ume Ghazia: communication means providing security in network, if two parties are involved transferring important data through network there is also a need to secure that communication channel so that their communication cannot be interrupted: I’m telling YOU security awareness point in the context of country.
Q: Now I understand what computer and communication security is. Wt’s its purpose and work :) i must say u have a lot of knowledge......
Ume Ghazia: Pakistan is far behind in this domain people don’t know what can be done to steal their confidential information and now there is cyber war all over the world so people must have awareness to secure their resources and critical information.
Q: kindly Ghazia Tell us about the activity? And how many universities took part?
ume ghazia:. Cyber drill was an activity which was organized by Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team (APCERT).Main purpose of it is to examine the capabilities of different country cert.
Q.How many other universities were in this activity?
Ume Ghazia; In this activity cert (computer emergency response team) of different countries participated not the universities. And this cyber drill activity 23 or 25 participants were participated. Pakistan had first time participated in this activity, in this 5members included, 4 participants and one observer. observer checks the communication with apcert web porta
Q. How many people were with you from Nust ? Where was the event being held?
Ume Ghazia; 3 from Nust. It is held in Nimis Company.It is security company.
Q. In Islamabad?
Ume Ghazia: yes. We represent Pakistan cert as PISA (pak information security association).
Q.You say there were 4 participant and one observer who observed that activity, so who was the observer ?
Ume Ghazia: observer was a member.
Q: member of which company
Ume ghazia: Actually he is PISA member and doing job and he is working as volunteer here. Observer was a visiting faculty in MAJU(Muahammad ali uni) and in Rifha. He is teaching management courses there.
I and two of my class fellows were from Nust. And one of my friend has a partnership in Nimis. And another participant was also from Nimis. All were not from universities. They were not students in short doing jobs.
Q: Pisa?
Ume Ghazia: PISA is the only non profit security organization in Pakistan (Programme for International Student Assessment)
Q: ok tell me what was criteria of attending this event?
Ume Ghazia: first of all it was to register the team in apcert website. Then there was a communication test .In which hosting cert demonstrates the communication rules and procedures.
Q: So you guys register your team via Nust......right?
Ume Ghazia: nops. one of the member register the team, communication test was not performed by all of us,two members attending it had communicate with us later
All information is on web page of cert.: http://www.apcert.org/application/index.html
Ume Ghazia: we have given a scenario in this drill and ten injects.Common thing was this they were all PISA members. (Programme for International Student Assessment). Injects mean they telling us with time to time this action has been done and also providing different information with time. Main thing is this how we immediately respond so that most of the information has not leaked.
Q: so Ghazia kindly tell me drill and 10 injects?
Ume Ghazia: we were given scenario of attack and then they were given time to time different info like files which we had to analyze for attack and want to know different sources through which attack occurs
Q: All participants were given same or different scenarios?
ume ghazia: no there were only one attack .I mean scenario was same.
Q: what was the prize dear? Who was your inspiration in life? Where do you see yourself after 8 to 10yrs? Like an I phone inventor Steve jobs? :)
Ume Ghazia: As such there was no prize and no position, but our team effort was highly appreciated. We are trying to spread awareness in Pakistan so that this association can become government body to properly cater all attack scenarios in Pakistan and prepare people for cyber war.
As far as inspiration is concerned I have set my own goals in life to be completed. And after 10 years I have to be security expert by gaining experiences to help people to handle such situations and have to be mature in this domain further IN SHAH ALLAH.
Q: That’s nice in the last any message you want give to young people?
Ume Ghazia: yeah, there is a talent in Pakistan youth no doubt so they must utilize their talent in a proper and positive way so that their country n people also can get benefit from them. Be hopeful n consistent then everything can be done; hard work must be the main element and serve for their country
Q; In last thanks for giving your precious time Ghazia . Best of luck in your future ahead.
Ume Ghazia: No problem .welcome dear :)
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