After releasing the promo of Veena mailk’s religious show. That wouldn’t be on aired on hero Tv by express media group . Due to strongly condemn by public. This is new channel and hardly people know about this. But the Malik video gave them a huge hype. Malik give them identity. For getting the cheap popularity this is channel’s pre-planned strategy. After watching the video everyone searching the hero tv and knowing the whereabouts. After achieving the hype hero TV removed controversial veena from the holy show. People starts hue and cry over the presence of veena on holy show. But no one questioning about the channel credibility which is still not being telecasted through local cable operators. Channel who since its birth violating the rules of Pemra . Earlier only elite jang group do so.
The image and questions broadcasting on the hero TV depicting the picture of yellow journalism. And its graphics also seems like Indian channel.

Not only this many images posted by people linked this Veena ''app apne gunaho ki fakir kare humere ni''
Private channels are very cunningly comparing their channels with PTV by proclaiming we are 24hr entertainment channels. PTV is still living in the cage era. But what about the private channels who promote vulgar entertainment. Moreover, they hired incompetent persons whom are less educated. Let’s take the case of Mr. Amir Liquat who called also as Dr. Amir Liquat . He left Geo for some reasons and after leaking his controversial videos on you tube he didn’t fired. Moreover, he screaming on live show (Geo) I am very pious and keep hating me because this is increased by good deeds. And maya and sama tv who interfering personal matter through creating a live park drama. Mathira ,Mubashir Luqman and many others. Many bloggers pointed out the presence of veena mailk and amir liquat and maya’s onthe Ramadan Kareem.
Most interesting and popular tweet for veena religious show is Ali Raza @Hawai_firing
Ramzan 2012: Jannat itni commercial pehlay kabhi na thi.….#Liaqat#Maya #Masood #Afridi #Veena….
People grudges towards veena is right and same time she is doing many item numbers and bold shoots. So how come she thinks she is capable of doing religious show. She is saying on the video ‘’ mein ah rahe ho iss ramazan mein apne aur app ke ghonou kie astgfar karne srf hero tv’’. I am coming on this Ramadan kareem for astgfar of mine and your deeds only on hero TV. She bravely answered all the criticism who pointed her. She is more suited to hosting some Indian or Pakistani media gossip channel. I liked veena’s one thing she is accepting what she is doing. Moreover, she is doing just for fame. And if Pakistani government makes the law of banning these sorts of things that I will (Veena) definitely obey theses laws. If not then government should punish me. She hates the people court. I think so she is right. After watching her hot videos on you tube and increasing its rate and blogging on her sharing on social sites. It all work as burnt on fire her popularity. Every and there public gossips on veena malik character. She is doing Ramadan show after bold shows. I think so we all have share on her bold shows because we saw them and share her vulgar picture on social networking sites.
The point I am making here, there should be restrict check and audit on all the media personnel who is going to host Ramadan shows. Its religious month and media is cashing this holy month. Amir liquat , maya khan and veena malik and their channels also responsible for this delinquent behavior. Every posts have their own requirement and Veena ,dr. amir and maya is not capable of even hosting the holy program.
Hosting of highly corrupt people and dual personality of Ramadan Kareem showed nation’s mentality. It shows the how barren the nation is. They have zero religious culture. In nutshell, newly launched channel Hero TV should be banned for showing such irresponsible behavior towards holy program. Moreover, pemra should show strict against the cheap marketing strategies of media towards Ramadan kareem special transmission.