Monday, 27 February 2012
Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy won Oscar.
Hats off to Ms. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy .
First time in history, Pakistan was known and called her in good names, in the most popular awards ceremony. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy won Oscar award. Just hats off to Ms Sharmeen obaid Chinoy for this marvelous success. In 84th year history of Oscar Awards Pakistan won first time Oscar Award. Sharmeen obaid Chinoy won an academy award on her documentary about acid attacks victims Saving Face. On the Oscar ceremony she was wearing Bunto kazmi with jewellery by kiran fine . She dedicated her award to Pakistani woman "All the women in Pakistan working for change, don't give up on your dreams, this is for you’’. All Pakistani are proud to you.
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Milad –e- Nabvi is also no more save from people’s grudges.

I was invited to my friend’s house for Milad-e- Nabvi (for the celebration of birthday anniversary of the Muhamad Sali Wale Waslam(P.B.U.H). I attended only few Milads. like mostly women. School, college and in any neighbor’s house. I thought I am a bad Muslim so I cherished the visit of all Milad and regarded all women who came for this event. People used to call special persons for dua. But recent visit disappointed me. I reached my friend’s house and recited one part of Quran . My friend’s mother was very angry because she called a woman for dua and for reciting Naat. I was shocked why she called special woman for Naat. It’s a very sad thing that girls don’t recite Naat on their own. But in Mehndi and other functions each and every member of the family sings. And feel very happy of singing a song. Obviously they feel happy because they are individually taking a part in the event. So why not the Milad-e- Nabvi ?
My friend’s mother and her sister were continuously showing anger on the woman’s late arrival. Why are not people punctual? Moreover my friend’s aunt was appreciating her Naat woman . After three hours when the woman came and recited Naat with bad throat.
Anyhow Milad-e-Nabvi was going. She was reciting Naat with bad throat. She was having a bad cough. When she was coughing my friend’s cousin starting reciting Naat. So that the Naat session get over. Now she takes out her hands for Naat. The starting of Duaa was very impressive and no doubt was good. But in the mid of the Duaa she said Mumtaz Qadri ki rahai ko Allah mumkin farmeye amen (Allah may possible the bail of Mumtaz Qadri amen ) Mumtaz Qadri was a murderer who assassinated ex-Governor of Punjab Salman Taseer. Mumtaz Qadri who solely decided to announce death sentence to Late Salman taseer. He is in jail and still his case is undecided. Because of the allies of Mumtaz Qadri . Aftershock of his jail, Shahbaz Taseer (son of Sulman Taseer ) was kidnapped and still not released.
After that she prayed as this way; Ae Allah jo Suni Maliad krawte hain wo qabool farma amen. (Allah please accept those Maliad which are held only by Sunis amen). One of my friends who is Sheia also invited. She feit bad. I also feel bad about what’s the purpose of including those words in Duaa which are hurting or making some one angry.
I am very disappointed on the thoughts and the way of holding a respectable function. The true purpose of Maliad –e-Nabvi is; reciting Naat and talks about the Muhammad Sali walhi waslim (P.B.U.H) Seerat (good deeds). Nor to discuss and hurt any sects. First of all if we are educated then why there is a need to call a special person for Duaa. We are not a Muslim? We can’t recite Naat for our Prophet? Other functions are superior than Milad-e-Nabvi? Why do we only focus on our dressing and make-up in Milad? If we don’t like other sects’ people so why should we call them in our functions? It is necessary to talk about the murders in a beautiful function?
It is necessary to invite special persons for Duaa? Unfortunately we have little knowledge about Islam. Or moreover we don’t feel a need to gain knowledge about our own religion. Many Muslims read, listen stories about Sahaba karam and the history of Islam in their childhood. But as time passes, all things are blurring in their minds. And they don’t need to recall anything.
In the nutshell, the point I am making here is the religious function should be pure religious. Allah first emphasis on the gaining of knowledge. Its importance also depict in the first Wahie of Prophet (Sali Ale walhi Waslam). Rather relying on the so-called Mullahs it is better to read some authentic books on our own. How can we decide who is better? Sheia or Suni? Like Prophet (Sali Ale Walhi Waslam) said;
‘Oh people, no one is higher than other unless he is higher in the obedience to God. No Arab is superior to non- Arab except in piety’’.
O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.(Al-Hujurât 13)
In the last, Duaa is only to sum –up all our actions either in namaz or Milad. Duaa should be only for the sake of begging. Please Milad is beautiful function do not destroy its purpose. Do not pass any abusive comment to anybody especially in these functions.
Surah Aal-e-Imran : Ayah 119
"Surely Allah knows what is in the hearts."
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Valentine’s Day;

Pre-valentine celebration has started.
Red color is everywhere.
Every face is happy.
I remember when you and I were together.
Although we haven’t celebrated Valentine’s Day.
May be you don’t like to be with me.
Every time I wish my love to be with me.
On this valentine day, I also wana celebrate it .
Please where ever you are come back my love!
Close to me and gently touch your lips with my eyes.
Please on this love day I also wana be with you.
When I see couples!
Suddenly tears come in my eyes. I don’t have more patience.
I have feelings too …. Don’t leave me alone.
Please dear come out of my thoughts ,dreams.
E’m tired of thinking. Now come and hug me.
Ma love! Please come.
In my dreams I always feel you.
Now please let my dream come true.
Change my dream in to reality.
Please come. My love.
Every valentine I am alone.
You are in my dreams for so many years.
Now please come back
On this valentine’s day !
Wana hold your hand, wana kiss your lips.
Wana hug you forever.
Please my love come on this valentine.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Valentine’s Day

Dear guys and reader’s Valentine’s Day is about to come. The ritual of every valentine day is writers, bloggers and media personnel only highlight happy stories. I mean to say, they only talk about those couples and those love stories who get their love. But they never talks about those couples who lost their lover’s. So guys if you have a story like this. (Lover’s lost their love because of the cultural, social norms/barriers or due to death). Then please do write on this blog. This is for bloggers’ and non-bloggers’.
Important note;
•This not a competition. And we are not giving away any gifts or prizes.
•This is only a sake to celebrate the love month. And you can send your stories till the end of the Feb.
•In the last, if you don’t want not to use your actual name and place so replace it by fake name and country by yourself.
You can send your stories at
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Charles Dickens’ 200th birthday

Charles dickens (1812-1870), English Victorian era author. He wrote numerous highly acclaimed novels. He works against the social evils, unjustice, and hypocrisy. That reflects his life miseries.
His famous books are A Tale of Two Cities
•Oliver Twist
•David Copperfield
•Pickwick Papers
•Dombey and Son
•A Christmas Carol
•Great Expectations
•Barnaby Rudge
•Nicolas Nickle
He wrote so many quotes few golden words of Charles Dickens’s are following;
•There are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best parts.
•Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.
•No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.
•A man who sees another man on the street corner with only a stump for an arm will be so shocked the first time he'll give him sixpence. But the second time it'll only be a three penny bit. And if he sees him a third time, he'll have him cold-bloodedly handed over to the police.
•An idea, like a ghost, must be spoken to a little before it will explain itself.
•There were times when could not read the face he had studied so long, and when this lonely girl was a greater mystery to him than any woman of the world.
Charles Dickens is including in those writers who never die and people always remind them in a good manner. Charles Dickens’s museum is one of those examples.
Monday, 6 February 2012
Housemaids are Angels.

As children, we looked up to our maids and our nannies, who were playing in some ways the role of our mothers. They were paid to be nice to us, to look after us, teach us things and take time out of their day to be with us. As a child you think of these people as an extension of your mother.Kathryn stockett
Housemaids are cause of happiness and sometimes anger. This happiness and anger totally depends on your luck. But in Pakistan, maids only a cause of anger. There are lots of reasons behind this anger. In Pakistan people can’t afford many maids so they usually hire only one that is economically for them. People hire maid why if they cause of anger? They like to be angry, annoying? Want a person for chit chat or mobile newscaster (who aware you from all the mahla news ,gossips)? So what are the reasons of hiring a maid? Lots of reasons that cause the existence of this angel.
• Mother who take the responsibility of whole home.
• Large number of members of family.
• Small kids.
• Old and patients.etc.
Above are the random causes of hiring a maid. In Pakistan hiring a maid is more difficult than hiring a consultant for a firm. Why? Because of the written agreement signed between boss and employee but unfortunately Pakistani maids are illiterate but if they are literate they never bother to talk about such rubbish.
Guys my mother is a working woman. And we are having one brother and three sisters. All of us were going school colleges, universities. In our case, hiring a maid was not big deal but important were timings. But luckily we hired a good maid who had no issues with timings. Before writing further, I tell you I’m very obsessed woman towards cleanliness. This habit you can see in many Punjabis. (Province of Pakistan). So I always happy to take the responsibility of cleanliness either I did it myself or observing maid. After completing my school and college I properly take the oath of cleanliness for now to last breath. The story of our first maid is not such disastrous. Because she were very kind towards us. But how she left and what happened to her is worthy listening. She has been working in our home since when I was in 5th grade and she left our home when I was in bachelors. Her name is Mastroa a very stranger and wired name we hardly heard this name. She had 6 children but she love to have more children like many low economic people. She left our house because she lost her life during giving a birth to a baby. Moreover surprisingly and shocking news that she stole my mother dear gold neck less. There is no scale of measuring the labiality of the person, not their 6 t0 7yrs of service. We get out of this trauma within 1 day because she already left the job after thieving the neck less. Before the half month of her death. So the story of our poor angel is end.
Our new mission was to urgently hire new maid at any cost. So guys, my mom hired a new maid means maids. She was not single :) oh I mean she was working in houses with her daughter. The age of her daughter was 17yrs, middle heighted fat mom, charming looks daughter. Now she starts working. I was that time in first semester of Masters. And I use to go university in the evening. My duty is only keep an eye on them. Everything was going smooth but one day she didn’t come. Not because she left job. Because her daughter ran out of the home since night and didn’t comeback. She came home after 2or 3 days anyhow my mom fired her. Because my mom thinks she is rebellion maid, also stole rupees (when I was preparing my quiz or exams at that time she stole rupees). Anyhow before u quiet the page, I just present you short stories of our maids.
Important and strange maid that I never seen in my life before. She was intermediate maid had a cell phone, talked in English. If I say do this thing that she bluntly reply ‘’ THIS IS MY RESPONISBLITY DON’T GIVE ME ORDER’’. And the story of house maids going as time passes. And meanwhile, we hired an old aged maid who was very honest and kind. But she left job because of her illness. After we hired only one maid in our old house. After wards we shifted to our new sweet home. Here we hired 2maids (sisters); one is old and one is middle-aged. And our work is going smooth. But the words smooth is wrong to attach with the maids. One day both sisters were disappeared and came after 2weeks. But this time, only one sister came with her daughter and said her sister left the job now she and her daughter will work.
So she works with her daughter. She always used to beg things(things of every sort). And we also helped her through every means because she was very poor. Most pathetic time of her period was when she washed clothes and said to make chapattis for them(baji kuch kahn no dae dow mere ko kamm nahie hodna udn;(sister kindly give someting to eat because I can’t work more).But one lucky day she didn’t come for 3weeks . In meanwhile we hired a new middle aged woman for washing clothes. When she came to know about hiring of new maid for washing clothes. She instead of apologizing or showing courtesy she showed anger and misbehave with me. Then she didn’t come. We give our rest work responsibility to our new maid ‘’Fatima’’. It is about 1month that she is working. Her appearance always makes me smile because of her exquisite manners. She is always polite and master of having good habits.
But in maids I only believe one thing no one is kind. This is only depends on your luck . Also if she has been working for so many years in your house. Then there would be a chance of kind maid. Kind in this sense, if we need her like in difficult times she is please to provide her facilities (without any demands). One of my maids was kind as much that she never cleaned the room or washroom if anyone were eating breakfast here. On the other hand old maids are dangerous too. Old maids play a role of monster. She always seems responsibility of poking nose into the children matters (if they are adult) or couples matters (if they are newly-wed). Sometimes she also stole money and grocery things from houses. So having a good manners is totally depends on your luck.
Old maids sweeten their tea with scandal. (Josh Billings)
Whatever the reason of hiring maid or not. Whatever their demands are. The only point here I am making is hiring a maid is somehow a basic requirement especially like the culture having in Pakistan. Where only one person taking the responsibility of work in home. Maids in home is always like having a angel (either evil or good). Maid is helping hand for woman whether she is working or not. But always remember one thing; always keep an eye on the maids. Because poverty possessed them to become a thieve anytime. Firstly and lastly maids is also a part of our family. So treat them like a growing child don’t show too much anger and too much love. And always registered their CNIC in police stations. And please don’t rely on ad who gives you a trained maid.
She is just a maid don’t getting them on your nerves. Stop talking about the maids in gatherings. And wish you a best of luck for you maid journey.:)
Saturday, 4 February 2012
Rabi Ul Awal

Muslims celebrates two Eids in one year. But one day that they celebrate more than these two Eids is; Rabi'ul-Awwal . Rabi’ul –Awwal is celebrated on the 3rd of Islamic month. This is most significant month called Rabi-ul Awwal. It is celebrated on 9th or 12th of Raib-ul- Awwal. Muslims celebrate this day with full respect. Because on this day HAZRAT Muhammad Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam was born. HAZRAT Muhammad Sall-Allahu Alayhi Sallam is the last prophet of Muslims. The celebration basically shows the love of Muslims for their Prohpet (Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam). Through Islamic calendar it is 12th Rabi’ ul-Awwal 1433(5th February 2012).
Allah sent Quran (last holy book) to Muslims. And for the guidance of this Holy book Allah sent Hazrat Muhammad Sall –Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam .
Allah Said: “There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; (he is) concerned over you (i.e., your guidance) and to the believers is kind and merciful.” (Quran: 9:128)
Allah said; "And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad, saaws, gives you, take it and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain from it."
According to a historical account, Eid Milad Un Nabi was celebrated in 8th century in Mecca in the house, where the prophet was born, was transformed into a prayer house by Al-Khayzuran – the mother of Harun al-Rashid, the fifth Abbasid caliph. Earlier this celebration was limited. As so the number of the followers of Prophet (Sall Allahu alayhi Wa Sallam) has been increasing the limited celebration changed into a grand event. Muslims arranged Malad un Nabvi (religious function for the Prophet Sall-Allah alayhi wa sallam). QaSida al-Burda Sharif, a famous Sufi poem is also recited as a part of the celebration. Muslims lighten their homes, offices, buildings and roads especially for this purpose. Muslim also makes special dishes for this event. And give Sadqa (money) to poor people. The largest celebration of Malad un Nabvi is held surprisingly in Kenya. in many other non- Muslim countries like India Mald-un-Nabvi is celebrated with full enthusiasm.
Here are some links that are showing the enthusiasm of Muslims towards this event.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Media personnel.

In every blog on every site you must have seen something write about Maya khan. Every writer tries to highlight different points about her character. For those readers who still unaware from the maya’s issue I am only giving them a short brief. She was hosting morning show in a private news channels named ‘’Sama’’. One day with her team she became a inspector, go to parks in Karachi for finding younger dates and asking their Naka nama. But afterwards many people showed anger on her deed and she also apologized on her own channel by saying’’ if I did wrong or hurt someone so I am sorry because you all know my intention is never to hurt anyone’’.
This is another story of media personnel, who thinks playing with the emotions of audience is their responsibility. Anyways everyone only pointed out what she did. Not a single person pointed out the standard of the channel on which she is hosting a morning show. Have we noticed this channel fulfilling the requirements of the good or a simple average channel. Why don’t we blame the whole channel? CEO of the channel? Before going to the detail guys here I want to share you my personal experience . I have not watch Samaa tv not because of maya khan. There is another story that quietly resembles with what maya did. One day at noon , I was watching samaa news with my elder sister, newscaster was talking about the parks; parks are good places for younger people dating. Here is small documentary that are resource person made for you. In the documentary they showed many couples are dating and resource person said ‘’this is good and refreshing place for younger people (for dating). Their love became mad old people who are alone ‘’. Also showed old man who was touching his body and taking out his shirt (resource person ends on this scene and giving comments on his masturbation activity).
So see guys the former standards of the channel. We don’t blame poor maya khan only. Because she was broadcasting those that her channels not feels anything that is going to disobeying the policies of TV or social norms. Still her viewership has not gone down like Amir liquat. I don’t want to talk about her character. Poke into other’s affairs without even knowing other considers bad norms. You are just entertaining masses if you want to aware them you did via calling different people on your show. But nobody gives you a right of violating social norms, harassing poor people and broadcasting their personal issues on media on-air. If anyone of them belongs to rich family they definitely fine you. But dear maya you are lucky. No one did this.
And you also see guys after her beautiful show she got fired and also people uploaded many pictures of maya in which she is wearing western dresses (short dresses with half naked legs). Also uploaded her dances with men on songs without duptta. What did you gain Maya you showed other’s wrong deeds and people have showen your wrong deeds as-well. I’m sure Maya you have got enough popularity after this show and after uploading her inappropriate pictures and videos on internet.
So guys I just want to say that Maya is just a host like other hosts who just want to sell their show through any means. In their eyes there is no personal thing . They only bother about the rating of the show. Firstly channels should strictly follow the desire rules that are made by PEMRA (PAKISTAN ELECTRONIC MEDIA Regularity Authority) for every channel. Secondly if the channel doesn’t fulfilling the standard then the license should be terminated. As mentioned in PEMRA rules and standards for channels;
The Landing Rights holder shall ensure that the Authorized Channel complies with the requirements of the Ordinance, Rules and Regulations, and in particular, that ; 1) Nothing is included in the authorized channel which is pornographic or obscene or is likely to encourage or incite crime or to lead to public disorder or to be offensive to public feeling.
In last, people, viewers are another important cause of these incidents. We impressed with anyone easily without seeing their work. Our sweetness towards incapable person gives them hype of popularity. So they gain benefit of this ‘’hype of popularity’’ and do anything either you like it or not. Maya khan is not first who get benefit from the popularity . Zaid Hamad (extremist) so- called Dr. Amir Laiquat also another example of it. So always keep in mind, every shining thing is not gold. These channels have no standards have you ever saw that sort of incidents in PTV Pakistan ka television, in their morning shows noooo way. Because they know what to present or what not.
Pakistan is providing 24 or more hr entertainment for their viewers. And media suffered ‘’news lust syndrome’’. That’s why every passing minute media want to broadcast new news related to every sphere of life. So in this situation, appearance of these cases is not a big deal. Now a day’s channels just concentrate on their ranking and want to sell their shows like hot cakes.
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