
Saturday, 22 December 2012

Veet Miss Super Model Contest;

Now a day’s fashion becomes highly manufactured market. Almost every person adopting new trends very rapidly. Globalization new face is been seen in inter culture things. Like Drama’s and program of different countries on our channels. Now we embrace global culture. The best example of this is Veet Miss super model 2012. Although this program has been held every year. Every year, it comes with new amendments. From the last year, people actually get in to this Super Model contest. But this year , Super model contest burn all their boats in fashion, nudity and popularity. This show becomes the hottest entertainment contest. Every country has held super model contest every year. But this time, Pakistan tells the world we are not behind the times. The way of selecting the models to their, Age,Height:,Weight,bust,waist etc .Like this Veet girl:
City: Islamabad.
This is the 3rd season of Veet Miss Super model contest. Top models of previous two seasons were ; Saima Haroon, Sadaf Kanwal and second season sesaon were Saima Azher, Sana Khan, Areeba, Sana Sarfaraz, Saba Sikander . Viewers want instant entertainment. In this time people hate to follow soaps. They feel lighter with contest, shows or movies. They just want to change the taste. Either they get it from Turkish stars or Simpsons or our own contest. Most interesting fact that the fan followers of this contest is number of adult men ;who hate to going their office. So after hectic CNG lines, boring job. This is a ray of sunshine among the men too. Earlier seasons was failed to grab the attention of the audience. Finally the 3rd seasons got the list of huge sponsors who give gifts not only guest but the winner of every episode. And been on-aired on almost every channel. In short. Veet super model contest 2012 is hot cake for entertainment industry.
On critique side; it promotes vulgarism, nudity and hype to wrong culture in Muslim country. Our entertainment shows should be depicting the picture of our own culture. But it is just a general comment about TV shows. After a long web surfing I am unable to get any prominent critic on this show from any senior artists. Because they are much worried about Turkish dramas’. So many people take this another contest. They think it never give bad impact on minds more than Bither and Behlul.
In comparison, contest is healthy sign for every person. Contest shows are very much succeeds for getting the highest rating among the entertainment programs. Like the previous show Desi kuria , Sur shetater and now Veet Miss super model contest. People probably like this because they want to see the back of the stage acts and get rid of depressing news and hectic life.
In nutshell, whatever the concept behind the show is. Nudity and pornographic culture is prevailing from this contest. One of the worst photo shoot are following;

out-door shoot of sherish

beach recent photo shoot

Monday, 29 October 2012

Ishaq –e-Mamanou; ( Five stars; Collectable Soap)

Don’t sugar coated ! Don’t pretend! Don’t show artificial romance of starplus drama ! Show me something who truly features the life.But Don’t be tragic scenes! Something like full of real love and flirty soap. Something like ‘’Ishaq –e- Mamanou’’ , five star for this soap. I am fed up of rigid tradition prejudice (fasting for men) ,hating meat and show off love for mother n law soaps. I am for years longing some show like not too much sweet not bitter but some crispy and sour taste . Now my years ;longing for my sour sweet drama thirst squashed .I get through this drama before watching . This drama got popularity like a fork lore. All my friends used to talk about this drama in all our sittings. Formally ,when my PTCL broadband on-aired this drama; I was not that much indulged in to this. As time passes by I am also touched the peak of craziness .
Ishaq e Mamanou is Turkish drama . With the urdu1 ranked one of the most popular international drama’s list that were earlier stigma to Pakistani dramas’. I think after ‘’ How I met your mother’’ this is the most famous soap. Any way there are five main top reasons why women like Bither and Behlol oh I mean Ishaq e Mamanou:D
• Fed up of rigid thinking and traditions of starplus.
• Want to get out the Pak –India n laws and pre, post martial issues.
• Want to see new faces young blood that have been seeing in the face of Bither Behlol and Nehaal etc.
• It’s a heart touching ballad.
• Moreover, it’s coming from Muslim country Turkey.
• And many others’:D

Ishaq e Mamanou is story of rich widower who have one daughter and son . Widower Mr.Adnan who had fallen in love with young beautiful lady Bither and she had also. And they got married. But after marriage Bither got attracted with Mr.Adnan’s own relative son Behlul. Mr. Adnan’s daughter Nehal had secret feelings for Behlol and recently got engaged with him. But Bither and Behlul still have feeling with each other. So that’s how the story evolves and successfully grabs the attention of audience.
Ishaq e Mamanou is bread slice in which you taste all the delights of life. Innocence of Nehal and Bashir ; flirty nature of Behlul and Mrs. Firdous(Betar’s mother) royal servants and cunning nature and poking nose in other affairs character’s. Generous Mrs Denis (music teacher and good friend of Nehal) and others’. Bither and Behlul is a hot favorite couple of teens . But I personally like Bashir and Nehal’s sweet innocent couple. The best thing is that my other Muslim country friends have only this common interest and gossip topic.
In short, some have already watched the last episode of this soap. But still many of us, desperately waiting what’s gonna happen on the last mega soap. Ishq e Mamanou is nothing more than a marvelous full of entertainment block buster soap.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Life and Blood are equally precious.

Security is always be on the top of good governance. Plato and Aristoltle (Greek philiopher)said ideal government able to provide security and stability. The intent of government is to create security and stability in society.
Pakistan ranked in those states where successful person who got western (America& Britain) appraise are worshiped. In this appreciation real truth is always be hide. Assassination of famous personality is not new in Pakistan ,since its birth, first assassination case had witnessed of Liqauit Ali khan(Pakistan first prime minister). Targeting killing and Talibanism has highly practiced in Pakistan. Last week, we went through another case of Talibanism ; this time they targeted Malala Yousafzai. Because of her work with BBC radio channel against them . This was not the first time in Pakistan that Taliban hits any student or school. Why Taliban killed them ? What’s the profit they want to gain is another debate. But the really important issue that need to be address is why only attempt of murder Mala get so hype? Why national media always running flash news about her? Why is so important to her?
Before going further it’s important to mark what she actually did. She is indigenous of Mingora in Swat District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. She is fourteen years old school going girl who raised voice against Taliban. She had been working with BBC radio; as a Gul Makie. Gul Makie unveiled the cruel face of Taliban to whole world. . And suddenly , she got fame in national and international world. She got Sitara-e-Jurat and known as child’s peace activist. Recently, she targeted of the cruelty of Taliban.
She was severely injured and government transfer her to the Peshawar Military hospital where the team of qualified doctors operate her. After her operation she had been shifted to Rawalpindi Military hospital , after this she finally shifted to Queen Elizabeth hospital Brigham United Kingdom . And Pakistani government bears all her treatment expenses so-far.
Mala is not the one who faced this situation; daily many children and people faced this situation. On March 10, 2006, at least 26 people, mostly women and children, were killed in Balochistan’s Dera Bugti District, after their bus had hit a landmine. On June 16, 2006, two female teachers and an equal number of children were shot dead in Orakzai Agency. On December 9, 2007, at least 10 people including three policemen and seven civilians had perished in a car bombing near Swat. The dead included two children. A total of 1,725 people, including 78 children, were killed in Pakistan's port city of Karachi in the first eight months of this year, says a report by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP).
Media, civil society and government hyped too much the murder attempt of Mala. Pakistani started out cry over this attempt. Every one offered her father huge amount of money for her expenses. All the attention goes to only Mala. The point I am trying to making here ; life and blood are equally important of every citizen. The outcry and anger should be same of every citizen’s harm. Why other’s are ignored because they haven’t any peace award or any national award. And they are belonges to poor families and don’t have same resources that Mala enjoying. Why not media and other’s scream out over the injustice prevailing in Pakistan? Security of life in Pakistan having privileged for restricted area and nation. Not the Pakistani government but the nation also portraying the same hypo-critic attitude. We all are the chips of same block. Only Mala or any celebrity’s life is important . why we easily mould our minds to other’s without knowing the reality.
Islam always give everyone equal importance despite its position. The punishment of worst deed should be same for all and security should be same for all. The best ruler of the world; Caliph `Umer ibh al Khattab was very conscious about the social security of the citizens. In nutshell, there is great need to treated equally all the citizen in state. As The Prophet (P.B.U.H)has said that: "The life and blood of Muslims are equally precious" (Abu Dawud; Ibn Majjah). In another Hadith he has said: "The protection given by all Muslims is equal. Even an ordinary man of them can grant protection to any man" (al-Bukhari; Muslim; Abu Dawud).

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Intelligent Protest.

Intelligent Protest.

For overcoming the misconception against Islam and Muslims ,Sir Syed Ahmed khan had used to write lots of pamphlets ,articles and journals for spreading the positive image of Islam. This is what the real Islamic leaders do when anyone trying to humiliate their religion.
Muslim Uema whining over the anti-Islamic movie made by Hollywood. Everyone protest on the way that they seems halal. Throwing things and hurting other’s assets are commonly used type of protest. This was experienced in North African counties. Assassination of American’s Ambassador Steven in Libya is known example of furious anger of Muslims. Every nook and cranny of Muslim world desperately wants to stop the making fun of Holy Prophet HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H). Either it is the shape of hurtful poems or making cartoons. Last week we all witnessed how Pakistani protesters destroyed the local people assets. Mob was combined of different local college bunker boys and local cleric (who hardly passed their primary levels). Everyone who comes in this mob from last Thursday to Friday throw stones to policeman who were trying to overcome the situation. Before going further, I want to mentioned government was also a part of protest , announced public holiday for this on Friday. Sadly, that was changed into another black day of Pakistan.
No one was there to stop the protest that was destroying pubic assets except the government puppet (Rehman Malik) whom overview the situation from air(via helicopter) . President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari who constantly requested the public ;kindly protest in a humble way. But no use. Mr. Qaria had been wasting his time in news channels anchors. After special public holiday government shouted look see all is did by mob or furious protesters.
We are unable to differentiate either protest was against the anti- Islamic group or against the government. Moreover, government and local cleric (protester) none of them succeed to fulfill the objective for the special Holy day. Government jumped to start blaming mad mob. This seems an individual problem .
Leader is like a torch for the masses. They give them right path. For nation building leader is necessary . Without them it is like a scattered groups who wants own authority. With leadership enforcement of law is also necessary for development of any nation or country. If government is unable to enforce law that indirectly reflects government’s inefficiency. Unluckily, previous weeks on all Muslim countries especially Pakistan unable to control their public .
The point I am trying to make here is that before announcing the national holiday for protest it’s good to make strategies how we could protest and who will lead them. The anti-Islamic protesters came in a scattered form. They showed their anger on hurting other’s things or vis-à-vis. The protest showed irresponsible behavior of masses and government. But who cares’. The whole protest going on like this in our country. Moreover, Basher Biluor a member of the provincial assembly of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa , extremist statement, will prove a fire to burn.
No one is bothering what a horrible avalanche of riots going to break-out in Pakistan. This was another glimpse of protest that we experienced almost every week. Either it was the form of inflationary protest or anti- Islamic movie protest. Nation lacks how to express feelings, moreover no one taught them. They lack all civil citizen manners. It has been 1month for the angry movie . But we did nothing except burring, screaming and banning YouTube. One positive thing, that appeared, from so far, Muslim president complaining this on UN forum. But what we did is there any responsibility that we need to make a bench mark for this entire nuance thing. How we tell the whole world, our dear Prophet HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) came in this earth for all whole worlds.
In nutshell, there is a great need to make rules for protest in a country. Police should have proper equipment s for facing the protesters. Rather than screaming out should make plan how to aware world about Islam.

Five reasons why elders anger over the cell phones?

Cell phones , smart phones assumes darling in every society. It’s economical, easily moveable , vast applications, contact anyone at anywhere. Moreover, facility of internet, low rates of calls and messages alter favorite technology among the users. Daily millions people are using smart phones
But sometimes, manmade, technology changed into curse. Become a headache. Why elders annoying over the usage of small smart device?
1; Smart device rapidly ruin our traditional societal system.
• People give preference to far friends over the present people.
• Small device isolates them.
2; Vast applications of smart device caused the destruction of child’s mind.
• Little ones came across all the things before time.
• Build bad company.
3; Smart phones is a show case.
• People get in to the race of better cell phones.
• I -phones series is waste of money.
4; Low range smart phones caused of embarrassment.
• Fellows giggle and make fun of low range phone users.
• That left them in inferiority complex.
5; Smart phones make the relationship worst.
• More communication lost your respect in other’s eyes.
• Mental agony if someone rings you at mid of night.
• Free rates caused of wrong relationships.
Cell phones is a small device invented for the betterment of man. It should be remain for the betterment of human. In nutshell, we have gone too fast in technology , trying to avoids the discussion of right and wrong. But it’s good to make some precautionary measures else it would become the roots cause of human destruction. Limited application smart phones should be introduced for younger’s less than 18.There should be banned on using luxurious phones on TV. Most important should be restriction over the cell phones toys. Toys should be for nourishing the child’s mind. In last, this is the human who suffers from the thing that they made.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Life is an unexpected station.

Here what you expect is rarely filled.
You never reach your desire station.
You book your train...
But your booked train become a fate of someone else.
Life is bizarre train.
Where you met different people.
But no one lasts with you.
Blaming and screaming adopted by everyone.
Unexpected station; no one is your true friend.
Hurting becomes the resolution of this train.
Why unexpected turns into happiness?

Friday, 31 August 2012

Why I like how I met your mother.

So many reasons that became me fan-follower of ‘’How I met your mother’’. The causal communicating styles of actors . Flirty nature of Barney, sweet and confusing personality Robin (actually in love with Barney), cute and naughty couple of Lilly and Marshall. And desperately waiting for his dream girl Ted. They all friends make me firm believe , either your boy friend or girl friend betray don’t bother. Search someone else. My head always full of different scattered thoughts but after watching feel lighter. Like you are flying on the air in your dreams. Still world can laugh on stupid jokes. And laugh on non-sense things.
World is also far from global warming, terrorist attacks, natural disasters etc. I watched How I met your mother for variety of reasons. Actually I started watching since last year . I watched almost all seasons. Till the seasons 7 The Magician's Code, Part Two. Like other viewers, I am very excited for watching who is Ted’s dream girl? How he met her? How he ends the story? Especially the Lilly and Marshall Eriksen baby lol :D
Every season comes up with better maturity level. They now telling the Hollywood , sex is not only the factor of humor. Lilly and Marshal deviant behavior finally changed into normal. Barney’s clever thinking and deviant sweet gestures towards hot girls still remain. That holds lots of women heart beats. But his real heart beats only for cute Robin. Robin also likes him but her confusing nature makes her far from Barney. Her sweet and calm, politeness towards Ted also main reasons of liking this block buster season.
Ted innocence and easily flattered by girls . He thinks may be she is the one he is waiting for. But Alas, its 8th season, after 9 years will definitely meet your real dream girl. All people loving chemistry makes me fan of this soap.
Another important reasons of watching this because I am also looking for a guy like Ted. So our mutual feelings and emotions tied me with this drama. :D
Thanks for the team of how I met your mother for this hilarious funny drama.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Why I should celebrate independence day?

Today is Pakistan’s 65th birthday anniversary. But on Independence Day citizen of Pakistan seems rarely happy and excited. They take it as just another government holiday. This is mostly seen from many previous Independence Days. Every independence day everyone ask what you give to Pakistan. But this time, I want to ask from every reader and leaders what Pakistan has given to us from last to this birthday . I beg for basic necessities. When sun is on its peak load- shedding crossed its limit. When I came on strike , government and bureaucrats screamed . I can’t eat fruits in Ramadan because of extreme prices. Newspapers are full of bloodshed news. I don’t get job because I do not have a good reference. I can’t study further because of expenses . We faithfully pay all taxes and bills, sadly, still our fans and lights are turned off in hard summer . In winters, gas supply is restricted. When I am ill doctors rejects for healing me. When I go on petrol pumps they deny my request for long hours or days. When light reached to my TV I desperately shuffled the channels. I saw people wear luxurious dresses and cook luxurious food. Government tackles load shedding crisis while sitting centered air conditioned rooms. Media trying to indulge people’s thought in disturbing matter. Everyone is claiming to our well- wisher but no one.
How I should celebrate it as rebellion or as true citizen . Why I should celebrate it? We achieved what our Quaid told us; Faith, discipline and unity. We every time spent bulk of money on organizing independence day’s events, dinners or musical concert. We never thought and audit our deeds are able of celebrating this even? We never live in our homes street as unit , how come we being a nation. Where every person is fully depicting the picture of hypocrisy, dual personality and nepotism , corruption is on its peak . In market every third person caught by theft and cities playing the holi of blood every day. Where one province wants to separate home land , one province highly adopted of daily bomb blasts. The former capital and birth place of Quaid-e-Azam fulfill its thirst via target killing . Then all anger resulted on one province ; all day load shedding.
On 14th august thousands of rupees are wasted on organizing use less events. Police always set high alert security especially for the government officials. To act freely according to their religion , minority also considered Pakistani ,no violation of human rights. All were basic rules for founding Pakistan.
As Quiad –e-Azam mentioned;
We are starting with this fundamental principle that we are all citizens and equal citizens of one State. (11th August 1947)

Alas, minority is far, majority is ignored . Nobody is getting their basic rights. Economic recession prevails like a viral infection. But still our leaders sit on luxurious cars and waste government money on their luxurious dresses. Like our Quiad-e-Azam said
‘’ it is sin to waste money worse if it is a public money’’.
Leaders used charity hospitals for their dirty politics. They disobey laws. Religious owners hold guns. They taught lesson of Allah by beating innocent children in madrassa’s . Islamic and educational scholars are being assassinated. Government leaders stopped employment opportunities of fresh job seekers.
Unemployment prevails the culture of lust. Pakistani‘s unable to eat fruits and vegetables. Despite the Pakistan is known for best growing seasonal fruits and vegetables. Lesbian and gay parties are highly encouraging event in embassies. Income generating gape is gone increased . Designer luxurious dresses are wore by media personnel and government officials and leaders. Army and other forces are exempted from taxes. Their children got special quota in educational institutions.
Women faced gender biasness. Men used her as symbol of garat . Diseases increased by every passing year. Pakistan failed to achieve any of the MDGs. NGOs and charity organization becomes more profit gaining institutions. Save water to save life is beyond the approach of Pakistani citizen.
Formerly all Pakistani citizens used to go, for watching 14th August parade and Independence Day celebrations that being held on the capital (Islamabad). But now, all celebrations are halt because of security risks.
The point I am trying to make here, every independence day we spent lots of money on lavish events. But not a single event focus on progress report ;achievements and failures. Like many birthdays we never make constitution (listed these things we did and these and didn’t ). Unluckily, current position of Pakistan is not suitable for celebrating independence day. Because no one got justice, laws are not fully enforced. Majority and minorities ignored and peace is missing as Pakistani flag symbolizes. In nutshell, happiness is snatched from us. This is a time to addressed this issue; either it is the fault of Pakistan our home land to give space for living or our corrupt deeds . That left us disturbed and unsatisfied.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Veena Malik removed from the Astaghfaar show (religious show).

After releasing the promo of Veena mailk’s religious show. That wouldn’t be on aired on hero Tv by express media group . Due to strongly condemn by public. This is new channel and hardly people know about this. But the Malik video gave them a huge hype. Malik give them identity. For getting the cheap popularity this is channel’s pre-planned strategy. After watching the video everyone searching the hero tv and knowing the whereabouts. After achieving the hype hero TV removed controversial veena from the holy show. People starts hue and cry over the presence of veena on holy show. But no one questioning about the channel credibility which is still not being telecasted through local cable operators. Channel who since its birth violating the rules of Pemra . Earlier only elite jang group do so.
The image and questions broadcasting on the hero TV depicting the picture of yellow journalism. And its graphics also seems like Indian channel.

Not only this many images posted by people linked this Veena ''app apne gunaho ki fakir kare humere ni''
Private channels are very cunningly comparing their channels with PTV by proclaiming we are 24hr entertainment channels. PTV is still living in the cage era. But what about the private channels who promote vulgar entertainment. Moreover, they hired incompetent persons whom are less educated. Let’s take the case of Mr. Amir Liquat who called also as Dr. Amir Liquat . He left Geo for some reasons and after leaking his controversial videos on you tube he didn’t fired. Moreover, he screaming on live show (Geo) I am very pious and keep hating me because this is increased by good deeds. And maya and sama tv who interfering personal matter through creating a live park drama. Mathira ,Mubashir Luqman and many others. Many bloggers pointed out the presence of veena mailk and amir liquat and maya’s onthe Ramadan Kareem.
Most interesting and popular tweet for veena religious show is Ali Raza ‏@Hawai_firing
Ramzan 2012: Jannat itni commercial pehlay kabhi na thi.….#Liaqat#Maya #Masood #Afridi #Veena….
People grudges towards veena is right and same time she is doing many item numbers and bold shoots. So how come she thinks she is capable of doing religious show. She is saying on the video ‘’ mein ah rahe ho iss ramazan mein apne aur app ke ghonou kie astgfar karne srf hero tv’’. I am coming on this Ramadan kareem for astgfar of mine and your deeds only on hero TV. She bravely answered all the criticism who pointed her. She is more suited to hosting some Indian or Pakistani media gossip channel. I liked veena’s one thing she is accepting what she is doing. Moreover, she is doing just for fame. And if Pakistani government makes the law of banning these sorts of things that I will (Veena) definitely obey theses laws. If not then government should punish me. She hates the people court. I think so she is right. After watching her hot videos on you tube and increasing its rate and blogging on her sharing on social sites. It all work as burnt on fire her popularity. Every and there public gossips on veena malik character. She is doing Ramadan show after bold shows. I think so we all have share on her bold shows because we saw them and share her vulgar picture on social networking sites.
The point I am making here, there should be restrict check and audit on all the media personnel who is going to host Ramadan shows. Its religious month and media is cashing this holy month. Amir liquat , maya khan and veena malik and their channels also responsible for this delinquent behavior. Every posts have their own requirement and Veena ,dr. amir and maya is not capable of even hosting the holy program.
Hosting of highly corrupt people and dual personality of Ramadan Kareem showed nation’s mentality. It shows the how barren the nation is. They have zero religious culture. In nutshell, newly launched channel Hero TV should be banned for showing such irresponsible behavior towards holy program. Moreover, pemra should show strict against the cheap marketing strategies of media towards Ramadan kareem special transmission.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Lights Camera Action. Lux Style Awards 2012

Earlier, lots of films, TV etc awards were being celebrated in Pakistan. That are now hardly seen anywhere. In the era of economic crisis, frustration, bomb and killing Lux Style Awards ceremony is only event , left for entertainment. Lux Style 11th awards ceremony was held at Karachi expo centre 10th July 2012. Big glamour and star night is held every year. Every year audience and stars desperately wait for big star night. Every showbiz star is seen in this night. Culture of lux style awards is different from the other awards ceremony. Hosting is given to most popular showbiz personnel. They wear luxurious dresses. If you remember hosting of Nadia Jamil who wore heavy shara with hanging gold earrings. With the time , culture of Lux awards ceremony has been changed. Now people wear funky western clothes. Now stage and technology has become more advanced. Stars more inspired Hollywood fashion. First time in the history of Lux awards this was seen internet via live streaming.
Like every year lots of categories of dramas ,music etc were included . Here is the list of winners who won the Style awards.
Best Actress award. Savera Nadeem for Qaid-e-Tanhai.
Best TV Actor (Satellite+ Terrestrial ): Noman Ejaz
Best Film award: Shoaib Mansoor (Bol)
Best Film Actor: Manzar Sehbhai (Bol)
Best Film actress: Humaima Malik (Bol)
Best Director: Sarmad Khoosat ‘Paani Jaisa Pyar’ (Hum TV)
Best TV Serial: Mera Saeein 1 (ARY)
Best TV Writer: Sameera Fazal ‘Mera Naseeb‘ (Hum TV)
Best Album Of The Year : Jhoom
Best Music Video of the year: Mera Bichra Yaar(Adnan Mailk)
Best Emerging Talent – Music: Bumbu Sauce
Best Original Soundtrack Award: Woh Humsafar Tha‘,
Best Song of the Year : Wo humsafar Tha
Best TV Serial (Terrestrial): Tera Pyar Nahi Bhoolay (PTV)

Best TV Actress (Terrestrial):Sanam Baloch ‘Sehra Teri Pyaas’ (PTV)
Model of the Year (Female):Cybil Chaudhry
Model of the Year (Male):Abbas Jafri
Hair and Makeup Artist award:Creative Team at Nabila

Best Fashion Photographer: Rizwan ul Haq
Achievement in Fashion Design – Pret: Kamiar Rokni
Achievement in Fashion Design – Luxury Pret: Sania Maskatiya
Achievement in Fashion Design – Lawn: Sana Safinaz
Best High Street Brand: Khaadi
Best Menswear Designer: Omar Farooq @ Republic
Best Dressed (Female): Sanam Chaudhri( New designer)
Best Dressed (Male) Umair Tabani
Emerging Talent (Fashion): Zaheer Abbas
Lux Style Achievement Award: Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy
This year stars dresses are quite sophisticated rather than the last one. Especially the dress of Mathira signs of sensibility .


But some wear same that they did last time like saba Qamar.

Drastic fashion done by Meera.

Rabiah Butt.

Decent Sawera Nadeem.

Stunning eastern look by Sadia Imam.

Lux BEST ACTOR Noman Ejaz.

Model Ayaan.

Umaima Sheikh on green carpet.

Nida Yasir

Goche Girl Mathira with actress Bindya.

Lux style awards 11th was full of glamour and stars.This is considered a big event in media. Sadly , every year LSA losing its audience appeal. Masses are now less attracted.LSA overwhelmed local culture. In other words ,we can say this is event for designer’s and models appreciation. This can be witnessed via countable appearance of actors in LSA. Showing less bothering to TV actors. Only internationally acknowledge media personnel give value like Ali Zafar. LSA is a biased event. Only few favorite categories set by jury members. The awards of best naat is also closed. No awards given to best anchors, TV shows, especially morning shows. LSA awards promote fashion industry solely. LSA dragging the culture of Hollywood . Media personnel dresses, gestures and negating local shows and actors depicting the picture of mini Hollywood in Pakistan .
In nutshell, LSA is big glamorous ceremony. Just to promote fashion and glamour. Lux style awards bring global culture in Pakistan. Means things that are globally famous are automatically famous here. LSA completely adopting the culture of global . No doubt, LSA awards is big event not only for fashion industry but also for business people. It helps combating negative image of Pakistan globally. But can be cause of culturally disaster. Culture is changed with time. If totally changed it is tragedy for a nation and called a cultural destruction.

Thursday, 5 July 2012


Oh Geo TOU ASE…..

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Breeze summer; fashion week

Hot season is touching its peak. Summer came with lots of fruits . Due to inflation, Pakistanis’ hardly buy mouth watering fruits. Inflation decreased the buying power of customers. People can’t buy desirable items for combating sun stroke. No one catering this issue. But thanks to our fashion designers. They breathe people in new life via their creativity. They came up with idea of airy breeze summer. No matter how the crap load shedding and inflation does. Now you can wear summery breeze prefect dresses with low cost. Really ? Yup our creative designer make life easier for poor masses.
They came up the idea of cave fashion . Fever clothes make you more stunning. More influent in society. Fashion is all about creativity. Today designers theme is to enhance natural beauty . Natural beauty which doesn’t exist without wearing their creative designs. Creativity have no limits . So these unlimited minds produce innovative dresses. Their visionary enthusiastic line been seen on ramp or magazine shots etc. But mostly experienced in Pakistan fashion weeks where of course designers show casting their summer line. Their summer line blossom impressed all of us.
Here are few blossom breezy summer cool and affordable dresses . Mostly designs are according to their current economic condition of Pakistan.

This is the man wear . Designers are a very keen observer of summer parties. This dress could be wear in summer night hand out with friends and this accessories is like icing on the cake . Let me clear one thing about the hair that is too funky and hardly wear in summer . Hair style is optional.

Again men wear . Men’s favorite color. Black with net. Best airy dress can be wear hang out with friends at summer evening due to black color. But if you love black more than the damn sun so you can wear at morning or lunch too.

Summer wedding dress for women. This outfit is best for maho or mehdi functions. Moreover, accessories are fully fitted to girl . Any other dress can compete this ?

Women wear. This sort of dress is very likely to women in summer. This can save trouser and duptta money. Actually the trend of wearing suit without duppta is economical for us. What is better than this?

Party wear. Airy breeze dress purely showed the innovative nature of designer. It can easily wear in summer night functions due to darker shade. It can give you a more cavy and natural look among other.

Creative hair styling for summer . This is can easily be carry in Pakistani summer season.

Fully airy dress. In this dress there is no need of wearing and buying shirt just net cover makes you airy and breeze look.

Creative minds never are kept in cage. Innovative mind always think beyond the hair pins. Gifts ,sweet boxes can make perfect hair do. What the model wearing it. Is it a cheapest idea of hair styling?

Best dress for office presentations and also easily wear on any formal occasion.

Best airy shoes and pajma for any Islamic occasion.

Funky and formal fashion on one stop. Yellow and black beautifully complement each other.

White beauty. Breeze summer favorite look.
Few glimpse of photos clearly depicted the summer season. You can make these dresses by your own which obviously lesser economical than designer’s shops. Wear dresses with no fear of duppta, shirts and zip issues. So today is designer’s policy is to make summery airy dress. Like the ancient and old people wear Lacha and Dotti . So why not we wear in 2012 modern era. So enjoy hot season with blossom and hot line.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Olympics London celebrations2012.

Olympic games is gate way for creating peace and friendship among different nations. The best thing about the Olympics ; it is revival of ancient games.After every four years Olympic games are held in the selected country, for this elections are held. Baron Pierre de Coubertin (astronaut) founded the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894.The 1896 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the I Olympiad, was a multi-sport event celebrated in Athens, Greece, from 6 to 15 April 1896. Five circles of Olympic representing five major continents Asia, Africa, America, Australia and Europe. Olympics is the biggest sports event. Its purpose is not only promote sports but also to promote peace ,development, friendship and women participation . That been seen in their entire event. McDonald a global food chain provide their services. London Olympics is the biggest cultural festival in the olympic history . Every nook and cranny of London celebrated the Olympics . Organizers organized special musical band for the opening and ending ceremony of games. London entertains million audiences who came for attending the biggest sport event through decorations, puppet shows, concert and William Shakespeare dramas etc.
Here are a few pictures of the celebration of the biggest event Olympics .

Olympic torch rally.

Fire garden at Stonehenge

Audience on Olympic torch rally.

The big outside concert .

Eden project welcomes the london Olympics 2012.

Tower Bridge.

London office celebration around the world lunch.

Rehearsal of torch ceremony of Olympics.

Olympics celebration day at Sprowston high.

Fully dresses venue of Olympics unveiled .